The wrongs of Greta Thunberg’s speech

Deepak Kamat
2 min readSep 25, 2019

In today’s World, if I write anything that goes against the popular opinion I might be a called a lot of things but we need to put things into perspective before letting it affect our actions — includes but not limited to who we vote.

When I was a teen myself, which is not very long ago, I had in myself the blooming knowledge of the World and a conscience to make myself a person who thinks for the good of everything, at that time I thought my knowledge and beliefs are right, but it turns out every teenage person does the same. With slight different variations in their thoughts.

I blamed the Govt. for causing the Earth so much harm, for cutting down trees, for affecting the climate and causing climate change, but I was nothing but an uninformed teen who knew only from what the adults around him talked about and inspired. That’s what Greta Thunberg did.

Her speech at the UN is being discussed, people on both sides of the political spectrum sharing their opinion. Some criticizing it, some applauding.

Well, one thing is to be kept in mind — Being pro-environment doesn’t have to be the same as being anti-trump. The “death stare” they are calling it, I don’t know what, but if Greta has any kind of anger towards Donald Trump, that’s unjustified, he is the representative of the people who voted him into power, otherwise he is an individual who have done just as much as damage to the environment than any other Joe. He has his business, which employs thousands of people, which is probably affecting the climate in some way, but what to do about it? People needs job too.

As for him being the president, what he has done to increase the rate of Climate change? Signing on papers don’t affect anything, Obama signed many accords, the World continued to change as it was supposed to, it did not help climate change at all, and believe me, nothing will, at least politics won’t. It’s us who have to act. After all, the Govt. is us.

Climate change is real, but it’s not the authorities responsible, it’s not the elected Govt. responsible, it’s the people, us. With such speeches, people get the idea that it’s the current Govt. that’s responsible, and in hopes of solving climate change they elect a new Govt. and then it goes on forever, people need to understand it’s you causing climate change. No Govt. can do anything to solve it if we are to continue living the life we are living, low mortality rate, higher life expectancy, better healthcare, housing, education — it all comes at a cost.



Deepak Kamat

A web developer and designer. Likes to write and learn things that interests him.